“Stay Close”
"Stay Close" is an awareness campaign created for PFLAG NYC, an organization dedicated to helping families keep relationships strong regardless of sexual orientation. The ads feature straight celebrities and their gay loved ones with a simple message of encouragement. It is a 100% pro bono effort.

“The Possibilities”
The "Possibilities" campaign was created as part of a major re-branding effort for Macy's that celebrated the year-round, gift-like wonder of all items purchased at the famed department store. The effort inspired a complete re-design of their shopping bags which is still in effect today.

“Say It Out Loud”
The "Say It Out Loud" campaign promoted an innovative Excite.com product called VoiceChat (a predecessor to services like Skype). By sounding out the bizarre headlines, these outdoor ads taught people the difference between typical text-based communications and this unique voice-based offering.