Johnson & Johnson wanted to inspire people to try Acuvue brand contact lenses. We promoted the connection between vision and performance by activating a large-scale, long-term, interactive sports sponsorship in two key markets.
ACUVUE’s “Did You See That?” promotion was a fully integrated, 360-degree campaign that provided unique opportunities for consumers to experience the physical and emotional connection between vision and performance.
During month-long sponsorships in Dallas and Chicago, the ACUVUE Experience engaged legions of fans with an interactive brand footprint that turned their passion for sports and music into meaningful dialogue about contact lenses.
The production included everything from advertising in local and national media to in-stadium giveaways, from original films on the science of sports vision to impromptu PSA’s staring billionaire Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban (top), and from the training of knowledgeable brand ambassadors to the orchestration of networking experiences for eye doctors, major retailers, and ACUVUE representatives.
As part of the Acuvue Experience, we produced a number of original films on the science of sports vision. The films featured footage of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team, the Dallas Stars hockey team, and PGA golfers combined with scientific commentary and graphics from the creators of the ongoing “Sports Science” television series.
During Acuvue’s month-long sponsorship at the American Airlines Arena in Dallas, we identified a small window of opportunity to create a PSA for vision testing and contact lenses starring world-renown entrepreneur and Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban. As pleased as we were with our ability to produce the impromptu video on a moment’s notice, we were even more blown away by Mr. Cuban’s ability to master his dialogue with only a few minutes to spare between his last business meeting and the tip off of Game 4 of the NBA playoffs.
When all was said and done, The Acuvue “Did You See That?” Experience made a significant impact for Johnson & Johnson, and met or exceeded every communication and marketing objective set forth by the brand.